Grading and Report Card

**If your child attended a Cobb County school in the last few years, this is not new.**

The Primary Reporting System uses the following indicators to report performance:
3+     Exceeds Standards – In addition to the 3, makes applications and inferences beyond expectations.

3       Meets Standards consistently and independently
2       Progressing toward meeting the standards
1       Limited progress or does not meet standards

When using this system, each student is assessed to determine to what extent (3+, 3, 2, or 1) he/she demonstrates mastery of the standard at school.

The Primary Reporting System uses the following indicators to report learning skills and behaviors:
S       Successful – Student displays appropriate learning skills and behaviors
P       Progressing – Student is progressing; displays appropriate learning skills and behaviors most of the time
N       Needs Improvement – Student does not display learning skills and behaviors that lead to success

When using this system, each student is assessed to determine to what extent (S, P, or N) he/she demonstrates learning skills and behaviors that lead to success at school.

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